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Thursday, 29 January 2009

25 Things About Me

I was tagged to do this a while back, but prevaricated somewhat. Captain Black has put me to shame - so ....

1. When I was a child I felt ‘different’ from everyone else

2. I once ended up in A & E for two separate accidents on the same day

3. At the age of 7 I had a reading age of 14 and was thought by head teacher to be gifted (huh!!)

4. Accelerating me a year did me no good at all, because

5. I failed my eleven plus

6. I suffered from alopecia between the ages of 11 and 21 but refused to wear a wig

7. Rob and I were owner/occupiers at the age of 18 with a hefty mortgage (£46 a month)

8. I was pregnant from October 1979 until May 1982 (well - nearly all the time!)

9. I have taken part in international medical trials

10. I don’t like driving – it scares me

11. I am cross-coordinated (right-handed, left-footed, left-eyed) and don't know left from right

12. I used to be able to read music, but now I’ve forgotten

13. It is 222 steps from my office to the library

14. I used to wear glasses but my eyes got better with advancing years!

15. I can ride a horse and even galloped once without falling off

16. I like thunderstorms, big waves and wild weather

17. Sometimes I pretend to be stupid when really I know the answer (why I ask myself?)

18. I have eight grey hairs in my head, which I pluck out :-)

19. My best friend is a man

20. I can’t see the point in being secretive

21. I hate conflict and arguments – anything to keep the peace, I say

22. My head is full of useless information, untold stories and unanswered questions

23. I liked being a housewife when my children were small

24. I enjoy my job, but


(Gawd knows what a psychiatrist would make of that lot!)


Anonymous said...

I'm so shocked by number 25 ! (joke.)

Anonymous said...

And number 18...you are lucky! I have too many to mention.

Anonymous said...

I can identify with #6, mine started saying goodbye at about 25.

I know a book that might help with #25...

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I am the same as you with #11, although the opposite way round.

DAB said...

Very interesting 25. Now, come sit on my couch and tell me more. Look into my eyes Ms Annieye and repeat after me "I'm a writer" ;-) TFx

HelenMWalters said...

These are all fascinating. What a good insight into your life.

Lane Mathias said...

So many things we didn't know.

I wish No 11 was the same for me and I find myself doing No17 too. Why?:-)

And No25? YOU ARE!

Karen said...

Really interesting :o) I wish my eyesight would improve with age!! And that I only had 8 grey hairs...

Lou said...

I am new to reading your blog and it is very interesting. I too wish to be a writer! And the same goes for numbers 1, 22 and 25! :)