Word tracker

My Works in Progress

Saturday, 2 May 2009

The finishing of a novel

Righty ho!

This is yesterday's word count.

End of Thursday's session: 77,855
End of Friday's session: 86,068 (blimey - a palindrome no less!)
Total words: 8,193
Time spent writing/editing previous session's work : 7 hrs (give or take a few minutes)
Average words written and edited per hour: 1,197

Now. I must make a conscious effort not to rush the remaining story in an effort to finish the book. It's a bit like when I'm knitting and running out of wool. I knit faster to make the wool last to the end of the row and usually end up ruining the pattern because I'm knitting too fast and not paying attention to the instructions.

Note to self. It is not possible to run out of words. Don't rush Annie, don't rush!


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

You're doing so well, I wish I could say the same thing.

Lane Mathias said...

Annie this is incredible. So you've written a 100K novel in a month??!!

Tamsyn Murray said...

But that's what editing is for :-)

Good luck with the last stretch.

HelenMWalters said...

I love the knitting analogy! No - you will not run out of words! Go you x

DAB said...

IF (but it won't happen) you get lost for words try a dictonary (full of blinkin' words so neatly arranged to ;-)

Luckyluke said...

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your
heart.exhibition displayson hold equipment

Luckyluke said...
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