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My Works in Progress

Monday 12 November 2007

These are my two babies. Zak and Barney.

Strictly speaking Barney is not mine. Someone asked me yesterday how many of my kids still lived at home and I answered quite truthfully - one and a half. You see, oldest son has his own house but is only half-way moved out. Barney is his and Barney doesn't want to go! I am new to this blogging lark and fear I will never post interesting blogs like Lane and Mercedes. Early feedback from daughter was not good. She was mortified that I admitted to only hoovering half-way up the stairs. She thinks people will think I am a slut. I think anyone who writes will understand perfectly!

Oh well - back to work!


Lane Mathias said...

There are those that cannot write without an immaculate house and those that write in a slut's paradise. I know which category I fall into (unfortunately)

I pay my eldest daughter to hoover. Unlike her mother, she quite enjoys it! I don't know if I should be proud or worried:-)

The boys are a couple of beauties!

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

I do love those dogs!

I agree completely with you. Please don't let your daughter read my blog. On the other hand she might see how bad I am compared to you.

My nineteen year old, Prince of Darkness keeps threatening to move out because the house is such a mess.
Sadly - for me- he can't afford to.