I've come to the conclusion that the term 'annual leave' should be re-named 'annual-work-shift'.
I know I've been a very bad blogger recently, but going on the Writers' Holiday meant clearing everything up at work the previous week, and then catching up last week. So I technically haven't had any leave - I've just done the work I would normally carry out in the week I was in Wales at different times.
Similarly, next week I shall be doing the same again - only I'm off for two weeks this time!
I need to somehow find some 30 hr days next week (no way am I giving up my 1k words a day writing time, though) and even when Friday inevitably rolls around there'll be no let up. I'll be packing on Saturday, cleaning on Sunday and exhausted on Monday as I fall into my tiny space in the flying sardine can and take to the skies. It'll take me a few days out of my two weeks to recover, and then guess what? Back at work again to catch up!
Writers' Holiday
It was fantastic. People were so friendly and supportive and it was great to have conversations with such fabulous authors as Jane Wenham-Jones,Lesley Horton, Dee Williams and Elizabeth Hawksley.
When I'm in Ibiza I'll whittle away at some time sitting on the edge of the sea, water lapping around my legs, and write down some of the things I learned in Wales to post on my blog.
I haven't had any news about 'Sunlight' yet. My agent says not to expect to hear anything now until September, because August is notoriously slow. I've decided that even if she can't find a publisher for Sunlight, I shall press on with the sequel, finish that and then pick up on Novel No. 3 (the one with the stolen title). Ken Follett apparently wrote ten (yes 10) novels before Eye of the Needle was placed with a publisher.
Just about all of the published authors at Caerleon confirmed that disappointment and rejection is the name of the game, but getting an agent is the single most positive step towards being published. I was told that it took Carole Blake 14 months to place one of her author's novels - and then when it was eventually published it sold over a million copies!
So the point of this post is: please don't think I've abandoned the blogging cause - I'll be slogging away over a hot desk next week and then (hopefully) chilling out over a cold Martini for the following two weeks.
Back in early September folks!
Oh - by the way - I can officially spill the beans now (although I think most of you have already guessed because I'm bad at keeping secrets). I AM GOING TO BE A GRANNY AGAIN!!! YEAYYYY!! Little Miss Prim is pregnant - due in early March.
Congratulations oon becoming a granny again, so exciting.
I know what you feel regarding taking holidays, I have four days at work this week to prepare for a 2 wk break and know that I will be so tired by the time Thursday evening comes, I shall need a few days to recover. Hope you have a wonderful trip.
Hearing that it took KF 10 novels to write before being published makes me feel a whole lot better.
I've suddenly found my self with an unexpected week and a half off in my job due to one contract ending and another not starting until later this month - so for once I get a genuine holiday without having to deal with work stuff and worry about what's on my desk when I get back! Have a fab holiday and who knows by the time you get back there may be good news on the novel. Wouldn't that be a fab homecoming x
Congratulations to Little Miss Prim (she won't be 'little' for much longer - ha!) and to Granny! And Grandad!
Have a lovely holiday Annie. Think of us in the drizzle whilst you're sipping Martinis under an azure sky:-) On the other hand - don't! Have fun:-)
Have a great time, and don't think about work.
Congratulations to the expectant parents and grandparents.
Have a great holiday Granny Annie TFX
I want to be a granny!
Congratulations to Miss Prim.
Enjoy your holiday, Annie x
Congrats on being a granny again soon.
I know what you mean about holidays, preparing and catching up after... at work..and at home....can be exhausting and you need another holiday....and so it goes on.
But writing course holidays sound like heaven.
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