Yesterday was my blog birthday. Yes, it's been a whole year since Lane, Fiona et al persuaded me to set up a blog after chatting on Sunday mornings for a while.
Coincidentally we all met up for the third Wannabe Lunch on Monday, almost a year to the day after I had posted my first nervous piece on my newly created blog. I had a fantastic time, even though I (and Helen too) got soaked through in the dreadful rain, and my feet were killing me by the end of the day. I was gutted, though, because Lane, Fiona and Mercedes couldn't be there. I was so looking forward to seeing them again. It was great to meet Andrea, a new Wannabe, and I hope she takes our advice (nagging) to join us in blogland.
Kevin was the perfect gentleman, as ever, and made sure I didn't get lost on the way home. As usual one glass just wasn't enough for Jane, and we ended up ordering wine by the bottle which raised the roof and added to the general chilled-out ambience of the day. When we eventually got chucked out the bar we just went upstairs and had a nice cup of coffee, which gave me a perfect alibi for being home later than I'd thought.
What have I learned in the 366 days since I started blogging, and crept out of the closet writing-wise?
I would have to say that the last year has confirmed to me that 'the whole is greater than the sum of the parts'. I'm not talking about writing, particularly - I'm talking about the power of a group, or a team. I'm definitely a much better writer for being part of a writing community and, I think, this must be true of any shared interest, not just writing.
So, here's to friendship and the power of the blogging community and the wannabe chatroom on Sunday mornings.
I'll just raise my imaginary wine glass. Cheers!!
I'll drink to that (don't fall over in shock).
Synergy indeed!
Happy Blog Birthday :)
In celebration (as I don't drink as a rule, I lie!) I've designed a "At the Wink of an Eye" picture for you over on the sidebar of my photo blog. Can't do that link thinging, too much for my brain to work out. So you will have to have this instead
Happy blog birthday to you, and what a year it's been for you too.
I would have loved to have met you all. Jane sounds like my sort of person too.x
Happy Blogiversary!
Here's hoping the next year is as good - or even better - for you and the sagas.
Glad you had a good day yesterday Annie. I love the photos:-)
Happy Blog Birthday! Has it really been only a year? Seems like I've known you for so much longer. And look at the huge strides you've made.
So Annie, I raise my glass (actually it's a mug) to you. Here's to lots more Sunday chats and the power of the group:-)
Glad you had a good blog birthday. I'm a newcomer to blogland and I'm only just discovering this wonderful blogging community.
You are so right. I don't know what I would do without my wonderful blogging buddies. It was so lovely to see you - here's to many more meet ups x
Happy Blog Birthdy to you! You Superwoman! It was fantastic to see you and dead exciting listening to you!
Missed seeing you again too. We'll have more chances to meet up - I'm scheming up something...
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