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Wednesday, 26 November 2008

A new character

A throwaway comment on Sunday in the wannabe chatroom about the General Strike in 1926 and one of the sub-plots in 'Sunlight' has thrown up a new minor character for me to weave into the story. It all started when I decided to check dates for the history of what actually happened around May Day in 1926 and I discovered that the General Strike started on Monday, 3rd May. As a result I knew I had to put something about it in the story, because there is no way my family would have had a little jolly on May Day, which was on a Saturday, and not been thinking about the General Strike on the Monday.

(Fiona knows who he is)

Well, this very nice young chap has been whispering in my ear constantly. He's very proud at appearing in the book and appears to fancy Rose. He was absolutely gutted when he found out that she was spoken for. Now, I have a problem. Rose is getting married and this rather handsome young student doctor has the hots for her. What will she do? She can't run off with him because that would mess up the entire trilogy. She can't say to him 'take me and do what you will with me' because she's been there and done that with her fiance, and Rose is too much of a nice girl. This character is giggling in my ear as I write this. He's nudging me with his elbow 'go on ...' he's saying. 'Be a devil.'

Hmmm. It appears my sensible, prim and proper Rose is about to be sorely tempted.


Pat Posner said...

Oh, I love it when research and checking dates throws up something which, because you're already writing about that exact time, slips so naturally into the story.

I really hope it won't be too long before Sunlight and the sequels are published because I'm longing to read them!

Annieye said...

I'm almost finished with the re-write of Sunlight, Pat, just need to keep on checking out facts etc. My deadline for resubmitting the m/s to my agent is around mid-December so I've got plenty of time to polish it till it shines (hopefully).

Karen said...

Ooh, how exciting! She could always carry on being prim and proper and break his heart instead :o(

DAB said...

Don;t you be falling in love with him now Mrs Annieye, he will only break your heart ;-) TFx

Lane Mathias said...

Sounds like you've added even more layers to Sunlight Annie. I really can't wait to read it. And isn't it how a character deals with temptation that makes them more interesting?:-)

HelenMWalters said...

Ooh-er! Sounds fascinating!

Anonymous said...

I think the temptation will certainly work, keeping the intrigue and tension going. Whether or not Rose gives in to the temptation: only you (or her) can decide.

Anonymous said...

I love all that temptation! I hope she gives in. And I will love to read about it! have a great weekend. x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I can't wait to read this, it sounds fab.

I love a bit of temptation. Good for Rose.

Pat Posner said...

Sending you a hug, Annieye. Remember the happy times, too.


Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

Oh, I hope she gives in :)